
In Italy the COSMIC organization is represented by Andrea Salvatori and Luca Santillo.
Andrea Salvatori holds a Master Degree – Management Engineering – Specialization on ICT Management – “La Sapienza” University of Rome. He worked for different organizations like an IBM BP, Accenture, Gartner, DBC serving both private and public sectors in the field of Software Measurement, Service Management, Quality Assurance and Infrastructure Services.

Now he is part of the Enel Group, the leading Italian multinational company on Energy sector, working in the Quality Assurance & SW Measurement Department
He is certified both CFPS IFPUG and COSMIC since 10+ years; he is also ITIL Foundation certified.
He is Member of IFPUG e GUFPI – ISMA since 2010 and participated in the research groups of GUFPI for the following areas: STDC (Standard Committee) and COSMIC Special Interest Group.
He participated in working groups to evaluate how AI & Automation in general could help to automate functional sizing leveraging COSMIC method principles.
Main activities:

  • Training on Functional Sizing and SW measurement in general
  • Introducing and building SW measurement Competence Centers and related operating models
  • Productivity models and contracts analysis
  • Audit & Functional Size Measurement
  • Technical & Economical feasibility studies on software projects
  • Requirement Quality improvement program
  • Software quality assessments

You can contact Andrea at andrea.salvatori @

luca-santillo Luca Santillo, MSc in Physics, has served since the mid 90’s in both public and private sectors by consulting and training on software measurement and productivity benchmarking. He is a certified specialist since decades in both IFPUG and COSMIC methods. He has developed innovative approaches for applying measurement to specific contexts such as Data Warehousing and Web-based systems, SOA architectures, Agile development and ERP implementations, and for estimating early sizes such as Easy Function Points. He chaired several working groups in national and international bodies. He is Past President of the Italian Function Point Users Group & Software Metrics Association (GUFPI-ISMA), Past President of COSMIC and has been Honorary Treasurer and Director of ISBSG and Representative Member of GUFPI-ISMA at MAIN (Metrics Associations Internatinoal Network). He chaired the Italian Working Group on Benchmarking for ten years and represented GUFPI-ISMA as a member of ISBSG. He measured and/or audited over 500 software systems or projects, for a total of over 500,000 FP and trained over 1,000 practitioners. He published several research papers, with awards, at the main international conferences on Software Measurement and contributions in books edited by IFPUG and COSMIC.He runs his own company Agile Metrics, based in Italy, Rome, with working experiences abroad as well.He learnt about COSMIC from its very beginning (1999) from the works of Prof. Abran and C. Symons, facing issues with 1st generation FSM methods. He’s a COSMIC IAC member representing Italy since 2003.He uses and teaches COSMIC in his work as a consultant and certified trainer, in audit and consulting specialized services, in both the public and the private sectors.

You can contact Luca at luca.santillo @

Luca Santillo, laureato in Fisica con indirizzo interdisciplinare, è consulente e docente certificato sulla misurazione del software & Function Point Analysis dal 1996. Ha misurato o validato oltre 500 progetti e sistemi software per oltre 500.000 FP per la PA centrale, le principali Telco e il privato e ha formato e avviato alla certificazione CFPS IFPUG e CCFL COSMIC oltre 1.000 persone. Già presidente del GUFPI-ISMA a livello nazionale e del COSMIC a livello internazionale e Tesoriere presso l’ISBSG, partecipa a comitati tecnici e scientifici e pubblica articoli di ricerca premiati presso le principali conferenze di settore e in testi specialistici editi da IFPUG e COSMIC. Sviluppa linee guida di applicazione dei metodi di misurazione in contesti specifici e tecniche di stima anticipata come Data Warehousing, SOA, Agile, ERP e stima in EASY Function Point. Ha coordinato per dieci anni i lavori del comitato tecnico GUFPI-ISMA sul benchmarking dei progetti software, curando i rapporti con l’ISBSG.Dirige la propria ditta Agile Metrics, fondata in Italia (Roma), con esperienze professionali anche all’estero.Ha conosciuto il COSMIC appena dopo la sua fondazione (1999), attraverso i lavori del Prof. Abran e C. Symons, affrontando le difficoltà dei metodi di misurazione della dimensione funzionale del software di 1° generazione. È membro dell’Intl Advisory Council del COSMIC per l’Italia dal 2003.
Utilizza e insegna il metodo COSMIC nella professione di consulente a docente certificato, in attività di auditing e consulenza specialistica, sia nel settore pubblico che privato.

Local interest on the COSMIC method is bundeld in the COSMIC SI (Special Interest Group Italia) on LinkedIN.

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