Twelve Spanish translations published

February 13th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Twelve Spanish translations published

The Measurement Practices Committee is pleased to announce that twelve Spanish translations are available for download. The translations can be downloaded here: COSMIC-Método-v4.0.1-Introducción-a-COSMIC-v1.1 COSMIC_folleto_promocional_para_PM_v5 ESP C-Reg-Case-Study-v2.0 ESP v1 2016-Estimación para ambientes móviles y de nube ESP [...]

COSMIC Certification exams world-wide

October 26th, 2016|News|Comments Off on COSMIC Certification exams world-wide

We are giving more and more opportunities to people who want to be certified in the COSMIC method and to take the examination on-line, in their own language, anywhere in the world. In the next [...]