Documents translated into Spanish / Espanol
- Measurement Manual v5.0 - Part 3 (Spanish)
- Measurement Manual v5.0 - Part 2 (Spanish)
- Measurement Manual v5.0 - Part 1 (Spanish)
- Early Software Sizing with COSMIC - Practitioners Guide (Spanish)
- Early Software Sizing with COSMIC - Experts Guide (Spanish)
- COSMIC-Modulo de asesoria en la Web v1.0.3
- MMv4.0.2-Diciembre2017
- NFR- Guia-v1.03
- COSMIC-IFPUG-Glossario-de-terminos-para-RNF-y-PRC
- COSMIC-Metodo-v4.0.1-Guía-Aplicaciones-Negocios-v1.3-1
- COSMIC-4.0.1 - Guía FSM temprano o rápido
- CasoEstudio RUFs CU-v1.0.1
- 2016-Estimación para ambientes móviles y de nube ESP
- C-Reg-Case-Study-v2.0 ESP v1
- COSMIC_folleto_promocional_para_PM_v5 ESP
- COSMIC-Método-v4.0.1-Introducción-a-COSMIC-v1.1
- Quick Reference Guide to the COSMIC Measurement Manual version 4.0.1 (Spanish translation)
- Manual de Medición - Spanish 4.0.1
- Estimaciones de Software con COSMIC
- CNMES'15 : Taxonomía de Métricas
Twelve Spanish translations published
The Measurement Practices Committee is pleased to announce that twelve Spanish translations are available for download. The translations can be downloaded here: COSMIC-Método-v4.0.1-Introducción-a-COSMIC-v1.1 COSMIC_folleto_promocional_para_PM_v5 ESP C-Reg-Case-Study-v2.0 ESP v1 2016-Estimación para ambientes móviles y de nube ESP [...]
Quick Reference Guides to the COSMIC Measurement Manual published
Two Quick Reference Guides contain the definitions, the principles, and the rules of the COSMIC method v.4.0.2 (in English) and v.4.0.1 (in Spanish), each in four pages. Download the English or Spanish version
Update of the Mexican COSMIC standard NMX-I-19761-NYCE-2017
As of today, March 17 2017, the Mexican COSMIC standard has been updated. This will take effect 60 days after the publication in the Official Federation Diary. The COSMIC community is pleased that the COSMIC [...]
COSMIC Certification exams world-wide
We are giving more and more opportunities to people who want to be certified in the COSMIC method and to take the examination on-line, in their own language, anywhere in the world. In the next [...]
Spanish translation of the Measurement Manual version 4.0.1 available
The Spanish translation of the Measurement Manual has been updated to version 4.0.1 by Francisco Valdes of Mexico, with assistance from Mauricio Aguiar of Brazil. The translation is now available for free download from the [...]