Industry Context
Information technology is evolving rapidly, and when its impact is very significant (as in mission-critical and safety and health-related software systems), the design of software measures and related software measuring instruments, including measurement case studies as reference material, must evolve to stay ahead of software technology. The COSMIC Group has set up a taskforce on Quantum software to address the gaps and weaknesses in the coverage of its set of software sizing measurement Guidelines and case studies.
COSMIC Quantum Software Taskforce approach
The COSMIC Group had identified that a considerable amount of new highly specialized knowledge must be developed to leverage the benefits of using COSMIC Function Points in Quantum Software sizing context. The COSMIC Quantum taskforce approach consists of
- Development of a common understanding of the functional characteristics in quantum software, their uniqueness in comparison to previous domains, and with a focus on the sizing of algorithms for quantum software.
- Identification of alternatives for the tailoring of COSMIC measurement procedures for sizing quantum software requirements.
- A initial design of quantum specific measurement procedures.
- Field tests through the design of quantum specific algorithms measurement case studies.
- Internal COSMIC reviews for validation and improvements.
- An initial public version
The availability and international recognition of such standard measurement standards for sizing in Quantum software context is of practical interest to software organizations and their customer bases, for both small and large organizations at an international level.
Professional Contributors:
Task force leader: Dr. Hassan Soubra (ECE-Ecole Centrale d’électronique, Lyon, France)
Core members:
Dr. Francesco Valdes-Souto, UNAM, Mexico
Dr. Jean-Marc Desharnais, UQAM
Simon Roy, ETS Quantum Students’ Club
Samuel Richard, ETS Quantum Students’ Club
Olivier Landon- Cardinal, ETS
Review members:
A workshop session will be held at the IWSM MENSURA 2024 Conference with the contents given below: