Documents translated into French
Manuel de mesurage French 4.0.1
Software Development Velocity with COSMIC Function Points published in English and French
French translation of the Conversion Guideline v1.0 published
- Module 6 COSMIC Estimation tôt
- Module 5 COSMIC Exigences non fonctionnelles (diapositives)
- Module 4 Étude temps réel (diapositives)
- Module 3 Etude de cas affaires (diapositives)
- Module 2 Survol de la methode (diapositives)
- Module 1 Pourquoi mesurer taille (diapositives)
- Module 6 COSMIC Estimation tôt (diapositives)
- Module 7 Processus d'estimation en génie logiciel (diapositives)
- Module 6 COSMIC Estimation tôt
- Module 7: Processus d'estimation d’effort pour le logiciel
- Module 5: Exigences non fonctionnelles
- Module 4: Étude de cas : Logiciels temps réel
- Module 3: Étude de cas : Information de Gestion
- Module 2: Survol de la méthode de mesure COSMIC
- Module 1: Pourquoi mesurer la taille fonctionnelle des logiciels
- Manuel de Mesure v5.0 Partie 1
- Manuel de Mesure v5.0 Partie 3: Exemples
- Manuel de Mesure v5.0 Partie 2: Directives
- Vélocité du développement
- Ligne directrice sur la façon de convertir les points de fonction (première génération) vers la taille COSMIC
An Update of the Measurement Manual Part 2 and Part 3c
Dear Reader, In Part 2 ‘Guidelines’ section 3.7 ‘Measurement of the size of changes to software’ measurement of adding a software part to or deleting it from an application is missing. The example on [...]
COSMIC Annual Meeting Thursday October 3, 2024
Please find here the Agenda and Meeting time for a sample of cities and time zones Download
Guideline Measurement of Generating Applications published
The COSMIC Measurement Practices Committee is pleased to announce the publication of the new ‘Guideline Measurement of Generating Applications’. An application generator is a tool that can create a specific type of applications, based [...]
IWSM-MENSURA 2024 Conference
The Joint Conference of the 33rd International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM) and the 18th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (MENSURA), will be held on September 30 – October 4, 2024 [...]
Article on using COSMIC to improve Boardroom Governance of Software
An article was recently published in the Governance magazine, about the usage of Cosmic function points as a means of improving boardroom engagement in IT discussions. Notably, the article shows how non-technical board members [...]