Useful Sites on Software Metrics
There is a lot of information on software metrics available on the web, but where do you find the most valuable information? To help you get started we have selected some website links COSMIC considers useful.
Link | Description |
AACE International | Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering Most of the really large heavy construction projects are supported by this organization. Although this organization supports primarily construction projects, software does play a role in these projects. From the perspective of risk approaches to project, cost and schedule, AACE has a compendium of extremely valuable approaches. AACE International is evolving its risk approach from a point classification system to parametric approaches that ICEAA has perfected. |
ACM | Association for Computing Machinery The ACM explores the nature of software, and the challenges associated with a panorama of software topics. Understanding more about how software is built can only be additive to someone versed in measuring software. |
AMMS | Asociación Mexicana de Métricas de Software |
Asociación Española de Métricas del Software | |
ASSEMI | Association pour l'étude des métriques informatiques |
BFPUG | Brazilian Function Point Users Group |
DASMA | Deutschsprachige Anwendergruppe für Software Metrik und Aufwandschätzung |
FISMA | Finnish Software Metrics Association |
GUFPI-ISMA | Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia - Italian Software Metrics Association |
ICEAA | International Cost Estimating and Analysis Association There are many large projects that are large military and government projects worldwide that are supported by ICEAA. Software plays a large part of many of these projects that have to be estimated. In addition, ICEAA has an extremely large heritage in the area of parametric risk methods as they relate to mulit-million dollar projects. |
IFPUG | International Function Point Users Group |
IREB | International Requirements Engineering Board What makes a good software cost estimate? Good requirements. There is a close causal connection between the nature of requirements and measuring the size of software. The IREB is an excellent source for software estimators to better understand the evolving software requirements process. |
ISBSG | International Software Benchmarking Standards Group |
JFPUG | Japan Function Point Users Group |
MAIN | Metrics Associations International Network |
Nesma | Nesma, the Netherlands |
QESP | Quantitative Enterprise Software Performance |
UKSMA | United Kingdom Software Metrics Association |