Certified professionals
in standard Functional Sizing for software engineering
Recognised Globally
Certified COSMIC professionals are globally recognized for their ability to reliably and consistently measure software size as a basis for determining the amount of development or maintenance work, the value of a software portfolio or to benchmark the productivity of teams.
The COSMIC Professional Certification Program supports this vision by:
- Providing reliable certifications based on sound exam development best practices
- Offering a world-class certification program
- Supporting the COSMIC learning journey through globally consistent training, ongoing support, and Communities of Practice
Take a step towards becoming a Certified COSMIC measurement professional today!
Check out the benefits of becoming a certified professional in the engineering standard for functional sizing, by selecting the most appropriate role below.
COSMIC’s exams focus on the skills, knowledge, and experience required to successfully perform software measurement and estimation in a working environment. Before taking the certification exam, individuals are recommended to attend the relevant course and are encouraged to read recommended books and articles, and take advantage of videos and enablement resources, in addition to gaining real-world experience in the role.
COSMIC maintains rigorous quality standards to ensure that those who have earned the certification are well prepared to consistently measure software according to the COSMIC principles.