On September 2-4 the CNMES ’15 conference will be held in Mexico city. The conference will have a number of great contributions from the COSMIC community:
- Alain Abran (COSMIC Chairman / ÉTS Montréal) will give presentations on Software Estimation with COSMIC and the future of the COSMIC method
- Frank Vogelezang (COSMIC President / Ordina the Netherlands) will give presentations on the benefits of the COSMIC method and on methods for early or rapid size measurement with the COSMIC method and will join Alain Abran on the future of the COSMIC method
- Mauricio Aguiar (COSMIC IAC / TI Metricas Brazil) will present the Brazilian status of Functional Size Measurement
- Francisco Valdès Souto (COSMIC IAC / SPINGERE Mexico) will present the Mexican situation and will give a workshop on the EPCU approach to estimate the COSMIC functional size
- Victor Manuel Pineda Ávila (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social) will speak on the use of COSMIC for auditing projects.