
In India the COSMIC organization is represented by Jayakumar KR and Anjibabu Ravipati.
JayakumarKR Jayakumar KR is CEO of AmitySoft.You can contact Jay at @
Anjibabu Ravipati works at RNTBCI (Renault Nissan Technology Business Center India Private Limited) located in Chennai India. RNTBCI is an Alliance entity working for Renault and Nissan. Mr. Anjibabu is a specialist in the design of software for the automotive industry. He is in charge of the Model Based Design (MBD) MIL Validations for Electronic Control Units (ECUs) in Vehicle. Within his responsibilities, he oversees the implementation of the COSMIC functional measurement method throughout his organization. More specifically for Renault software development and software quality activities, COSMIC is measured on the basis of the software models designed on the Matlab/Simulink platform and provides better management insights into various aspects of software development, including the effort and costs of developing embedded software for automotive vehicles.You can contact Anjibabu at anjibabu.ravipati @

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